速報APP / 教育 / ASL: Sign Language Dictionary

ASL: Sign Language Dictionary





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:25C Haseeb Block Azam Garden Lahore

ASL: Sign Language Dictionary(圖1)-速報App

I’m glad you are here!. You can learn American Sign Language (ASL) words & phrases here which enables you to interact with a whole new group of peoples. It’s my responsibility to make your ASL learning experience convenient and joyful.

This ASL app is packed with 2000+ words & phrases. What you are learning here is very important for us. All the signs are demonstrated in a very friendly manner. You will feel like you are getting personal coaching. Let’s start LEARNING!


1. It’s Free!

ASL: Sign Language Dictionary(圖2)-速報App

2. Date, Time and Weather Signs

3. Expressions: Common Expressions, Everyday Expressions, and Common Expressions

4. Emotions: Neutral Emotions, Positive Emotions and Negative Emotions
 5. Lifestyle: Fashion & Clothing, Internet & Social Media, Party Signs, and Entertainment

6. Sports: Sports Signs, Sports Terms and Fitness Signs

ASL: Sign Language Dictionary(圖3)-速報App

7. Food & Cooking: Fruits & Vegetables, Cooking, Eating, Meal & Food Signs

8. Holidays: American Holidays, Cultural Holidays, Family Events and Celebration Signs

9. Transportation & Travel: Mode of Transportation, Travel Checklist, Travel Expressions, and Travel Signs

10. Emergency & Disaster: Health & Disability, Emergency, and Survival Signs

ASL: Sign Language Dictionary(圖4)-速報App

11. People & Family: Babies & Young Children, Life Stages and Family Signs
 12. Education: Colors, Profession Signs

Much more cool stuff (Quotes, Quizzes, Jokes, Games and much more) on its way! We are always open to suggestions. Please send your suggestions via feedback. Happy LEARNING!

ASL: Sign Language Dictionary(圖5)-速報App